mass migration
- 大规模迁移

The report painted a frightening picture of a world of starvation , mass migration of people , rampant disease and the extinction of many animal species .
They predicted temperatures will increase by 3C over the next century , causing a rise in sea levels , flooding , disease outbreaks and mass migration of refugees .
Instead they fear mass migration by cheap workers from the new member states .
Mass migration can only partially be managed by individual nations'internal policies .
all in preparation for the biggest mass migration of people in the history of the world .
This has been a sudden , mass migration .
Oxygen isotope : a good indicator to trace coastal water mass migration of shelf sea
It can lead to hunger , poverty and mass migration of'environmental refugees ' .
Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements .
Mass migration and food shortages have been responsible for most deaths following civil conflicts around the world .
He says mass migration is leading to an erosion of tolerance in communities and between communities .
Every day , the largest mass migration on the planet happens - in the world 's oceans .
One danger , say economists , is that remittances can end up improving towns emptied by mass migration .
There would be a mass migration area in the warm airflow shear area in the southeast of typhoon during the collapse of the typhoon .
The Internet of the area , the transcontinental railroad , changes everything it touches , triggering a mass migration to the Great Plains
These conditions often lead to massive crop failures that bring hunger , malnutrition , starvation , mass migration and , in many cases , death .
Additional social stresses may also occur BECause of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements & themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport .
Along with mass migration came assimilation , as Mongolians were required to give up their nomadic lifestyles and to move to permanent settlements .
China Central Television reported : the number of migrant workers in cities across the country of 2.2 million , of which 60 % of the mass migration of the family .
The Mass Migration Movement of Korean Ethnic Group in China v.s Modes of Constructing New Rural Areas & Centered on Korean ethnic communities in rural areas in Heilongjiang Province
The Pb , S isotopic study shows that the mass migration and the fractional distillation of Pb isotope took place in the whole rock and in the cement .
China is the most obvious example of the mass migration changing the face of the planet , simply because its 1.3 billion inhabitants make it the most populous nation .
Droughts , floods and famines would ensue , experts say , and then the mass migration of people , with the conflict that would engender .
China , today , is in the throes of the biggest mass migration in history as people flock from subsistence farming to clock in at the world 's workshop .
At the same time , the research on the mass migration of population and city management on the basis of research results , the new generation of migrant workers identity influence on subjective cognitive factors comparative analysis .
The mass migration velocity ( absolute velocity ) of component I in a multicom-pont flow is equal to the convection velocity ( frame velocity ) plus the diffusion velocity ( relative velocity ) .
Based on this method , a rotor spanwise aerodynamic loss distribution model , including the effects of blade passage secondary flow and radial mass migration in rotor blade boundary layer induced by rotation , was developed .
The world 's biggest mass migration has hitched a ride on the sharing economy , with hundreds of thousands of Chinese turning to carpooling for their annual pilgrimage home for the lunar new year .
The government wants to shut the refugees out . Lifting restrictions on internal migration raises the unwelcome prospect of a mass migration , while abandoning the one-child policy would be politically unpalatable .
For weeks , there has been a mass migration of people from the worst affected areas , particularly in Somalia , to the vast and overflowing refugee camp at Dadaab in northern Kenya .